1: PICK A RULE In groups, discuss what rules you want to change to make the world a more gender-equal and gender-fair place to live. Or choose any topic you feel strongly about where the rules need changing!
2: GRAFFITI your ruler with one or more message for change.
3: LINE-OF-ACTION Volunteers from each group (or everyone) form a long line.
4: RULER RELFIES Hold two rulers in front of your face, and have your Ruler Relfie photo taken.
5: RATTLE THOSE RULERS Fill the space you are in and choose an object (e.g. a chair, a radiator, a table) to rattle your rulers against. Make as much noise as possible. Record the sound!
6: TWEET Make a short video to share with other schools, youth groups or organisations. Use the hashtag #thisiswhat <insert your message> soundslike.
7: CREATE What else can you do with your rulers? Make a cape? String them up to form a line of action? Use your imagination!
Like the ruler idea but need an alternative?
Print out paper rulers. Lay them on every seat in an assembly hall or classroom space. Invite others to write on the backs of the paper rulers what rules they want to change. Collect them up, and deliver them to the organisation who holds the decision making powers on your chosen issue.