RSE in Wales is changing. Rights, Equity, Inclusion and Empowerment will be central to statutory curriculum design and provision. To find out more and learn how to build high quality RSE, join us at this one day conference for primary, secondary and special schools.
Further Details
We invite all teachers and leaders of with responsibility for RSE to sign up for this RSE professional learning event. We will be exploring aspects of relationships and sexuality education in preparation for the new statutory RSE Curriculum (2022).
Keynotes will include, Sally Holland (Children’s Commissioner’s Office for Wales), Professor EJ Renold (Cardiff University), who chaired the Welsh Government RSE expert panel (Renold and McGeeney 2017) and Drs Ester McGeeney and Leanne Coll, researchers with extensive experience in training teachers to develop and deliver RSE. The keynotes will set out the forthcoming changes to the Welsh RSE curriculum and share the international evidence relating to best practice in RSE.
Teachers from primary, secondary, special and Welsh medium schools engaged in the RSE professional learning will also be sharing the work that they have been doing to capture and respond to learner voice and develop a whole school approach to RSE, aligned to the published RSE guidance.
We will also have the input of several additional RSE experts and researchers, as well as representatives from key RSE service providers, who will be facilitating a series of scheduled carousel workshops on core areas of RSE and resource sharing activities.
Throughout the event you will be given opportunities to get up to speed with the implications of the new RSE curriculum, with plenty of take-away tips to get started.
Register here