1: Think about what’s important to you in a relationship.What do you want, and why?
2: Pick a relationship that is special to you. It could be someone you are dating, a friend, a family member or pet. It could be an object (e.g. photograph or cuddly toy) or place (e.g. a den or local hang-out).
3: Go to www.bishuk.com and print off a relationship graph. Work your way around the segments and write down some of the things that makes a good relationship. Rank them from 0-9.
4: Join the dots to create your personalized relationship web.
5: Cut out the final shape and use as a template to make your own decorations. This could be from wood, acrylic, card – whatever materials you can find.
6: Is there a tree in your school ground or community centre that you can hang your decorations on? Perhaps you can make your own hanging structure from wire, or sticks? Why not display them on one of the awareness raising days.