We are a mixed-gender friendship group in Year 10, and last term, we had a lesson on domestic violence delivered by our local Women’s Aid charity. It was here that we realised how little we knew about this issue and so many other related issues.
We knew loads about every other curriculum subject, but next to nothing about healthy relationships, or on gender well-being and gender equalities. We didn't realize that challenging gender inequalities can help address violence against girls and women. We started to join up the dots and think about gender injustice and how unfair the world can be for boys, girls, men and women.
Inspired by YouTube flashcard stories where people hold up signs with hand written messages on for people to read, we decided to create our own story board, and spread the word that we are #morethanourgrades.
Making anonymous Flashcard stories can be a simple, safe and effective way of raising awareness about sensitive issues.