1: STOP and START plates!
Give everyone 3 red paper “STOP” plates and 3 green paper “START” plates. If no plates are available create your own with red and green marker pens by drawing a large circle on A4 paper.
2: Create STOP and START phrases
Think of a time when someone did something that you didn’t like or a rule or advertisement that offended you or someone close to you. Come up with a phrase that describes what you didn’t like, starting with the word “STOP…” Write this phrase on the STOP plate. Then, come up with a phrase that describes what you would have liked instead, starting with the word “START…” Write this phrase on the START plate.
3:Once your STOP and START plates are complete...
Use the pegs and string to attach each plate to form a stop/start line of action.
4:Ask volunteers to read their STOP/START plates aloud.
5: Now think about how to put your START plans into action.
Before you begin adapting this activity for the children and young people in your setting, read the section on Safety and Support.