In our school some of us are expressing our gender in ways that challenge society’s expectations of what a boy or girl might be or do. Some of us want to change our gender pronouns (e.g. from he to she). Some of us don’t want to be identified as gendered at all (e.g. agender). Some of us are just fed up with how gender norms get under our skin and stop us doing things.
But it’s hard when school rules and cultures reinforce gender norms everyday, by dividing us into ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ for class quizzes, sitting boys next to girls in tests, or have a gendered uniform policy and gender segregated toilets. We wanted to change this by showing how diverse gender already is and always has been and how damaging it can be for all young people and staff to put us into boxes that don’t fit us.

Rotifer: bacteria that live in an all-female world and reproduce by themselves

“We wanted to let people know that in the animal AND human world sex is not just ‘male’ and ‘female’. There are also many different genders and there is nothing natural about traditional gender roles”